Tidepool Creatures

Here are photos of a variety of different animals found in the tidepools of Malpais and Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. Of course these are best seen at low tide and the best tidepool areas are: Tide pools are rocky pools located nearby the oceans that are filled with sea water. A tide pool usually has […]
Sea Turtles Update for Manzanillo and Malpais Areas

Illegal gillnetters, shrimp boats, nest robbers, and vehicles threaten endangered sea turtles on Playa Manzanillo, Nicoya Peninsula February 1, 2010 – Cabuya, Costa Rica Illegal gillnetters, shrimp boats, nest robbers, and vehicles threaten endangered sea turtles on Playa Manzanillo, Nicoya Peninsula Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary has been trying to organize to protect the area’s sea turtles, […]